Sparky's Stories
Transform Your School's PE Program with Faux Bow®: A Hit at 2023 SHAPE Show
Transform your school's PE program with the safe and exciting Faux Bow® line of foam impact archery products.
The Faux Bow Protege: Instilling Lessons of Archery and Outdoor Play in Your Kids This Spring
Want to get your kids outside and teach them important life lessons? Discover how the Faux Bow Protege can make it happen!
Faux Bow Pro Recurve: The Ultimate Archery Experience
Ready, aim, shipped! Our Faux Bow Pro Recurve Kickstarter campaign has hit the bullseye and we're now....
Faux Bow Recurve Kickstarter Fulfillment: From Idea to Reality
Whoever said good things come to those who wait, clearly never ran a Kickstarter campaign. But after months of anticipation, testing, and more waiting, our Faux Bow Pro Recurve has finally arrived.