Are These Arrows Legal for My LARP?

TLDR, for some the answer is yes! for others it's a little more complicated because although they may not fit the textbook standard for them, we would argue they are safer and better performing in a lot of cases.
There hasn't been an arrow like this one in the LARP market before now.
Here's the breakdown. . .
The Penny Cap Method
As a nod to the DIY community, our "penny" cap is simply a 3D printed device that ensures the tube shaft cannot pierce through the foam head.
Check out the time lapse printing of our "penny" caps in each arrow
We would recommend you bring one unassembled arrow to your weapons checker so they can see the mechanism for themselves.
Shaft Material & Structure
Our shafts are made of incredibly durable, shatterproof, and light tubes. They can be bent, twisted, stepped on, and they will still retain their shape and accuracy.
Most LARPs regulate that they must be either fiberglass, aluminum, or graphite. BUT this is where we argue that these tubes function MUCH safer, are more durable, and more accurate. It will remain up to your weapons checker.
Two Inch Foam Head
Made in regulation for the top LARPs. Has a 2.5 inch diameter of width to protect those orbital ridges.
The foam is frim but compressible, and will not deform around the arrow shaft on impact. or on impacts after, and after, and after.
Also there's no open cell foam on the front, therefor no need for fabric to cover the head!
We use turkey feathers to help with immersion as well as sustain primo accuracy. We really wanted to use phoenix feathers but they have since been rendered endangered and protected. Would you prefer rubber fletchings since you load arrows fletchings first in your quiver? Let us know in the comments!
Take To Your Weapons Check
This is our take but each game is a case by case basis. We recommend talking to your weapons check today and share our points. We have found that 9 times out of 10, they see our side and deem them super safe and okay. Happy LARPing!